Data Protection Statement: Editori – tool for publishing open journals


Data controller
University of Helsinki
Helsinki University Library
P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)
00014 University of Helsinki

Contact persons:
Markku Roinila and Kimmo Koskinen, p. 02941 911

Editori – tool for publishing open journals is a service for editing and publishing open journals and for learning practices of scientific publishing at the university. The service is maintained by Helsinki University Library. The service is based on Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. The server is located at the University of Helsinki.

The University of Helsinki user account is used for registration in the OJS platform. In the registration process the user account, personal name and email address are stored in the system. Entering all other personal information is voluntary, e.g. information on the academic discipline or affiliation of the user. The role of the user is determined on the basis of the registration data. The role may be, for instance, a reader, an author, a reviewer, an editor, a chief editor or a site administrator. A journal produced with the OJS platform can define additional user roles as needed. The role of the user is agreed with the editors of the journal. Registration as a reader is open for all users of the system.

Data on the users is stored in order to document the editorial process of the journal and all decisions related to publishing. In case the journal ceases to be published, all personal data connected with the journal will be deleted. Users can review their personal profiles by logging in to platform. No personal data is transferred to third parties. User data in OJS system is used by the journal in which the user is registered. In addition, the journal administrator and the site administrator have the option of searching for data on all users registered in the platform.

The users have the right to review their own personal data and the right to request corrections in the data.

The service is available at