Finnish pre-service physics teachers’ opinions about core concepts of quantum optics
Comparison to European multi-stakeholder perspective
Quantum optics, 21st century skills, Quantum information, STEMAbstrakti
Quantum optics, information and quantum technologies are today becoming increasingly important within European educational initiatives. Many recent roadmaps emphasize the urgency to include these topics as part of teacher education as well as part of secondary education. In Finland we also face the pressure to modernize the secondary level teaching of quantum related topics and familiarize the future teachers with topics of quantum optics, information and technology. Here, we report Finnish pre-service physics teachers' opinions about the importance of core concepts as they appeared in a recent course focusing on quantum optics and information. It is found that results align well with recent surveys based on European stakeholder’s views. This we take as a sign of promising prospects for including many modern quantum optics and technology topics as part of Finnish teacher education, in level available for pre-service teachers, and through that, hopefully, to prepare ground to include similar topics also as part of future secondary level curriculum in Finland.
Copyright (c) 2025 Ismo Koponen, Aku Pajula, Maija Nousiainen

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