Basic guide for data management and 5S approach for organizing data


  • Special issue of Open Education


avoin tiede, datanhallinta, datanhallintataidot, työelämätaidot, dataopas, datanhallintaopas, datanhallinnan perusopas, datanhallinta opetuksessa, historian graduseminaari, tiedostojen järjestäminen, 5S-metodi, 5S method


Good data management skills are the cornerstone of open science and a key component of current working life skills. This is why teaching data management skills might have a place already in basic education. Datanhallinnan perusopas (Basic guide for data management) is available only in Finnish. However, a more comprehensive Research data management guide may help you with data management issues. One of the most basic skills in data management is organizing files, and a 5S method (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain) may be useful in learning these skills. The 5S method was introduced at the University of Helsinki in December, during Data Cleaning Week organized by Data Support. (Juuso Ala-Kyyny)





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