
  • Open education V
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

    The themes of the special issue of Think Open Digest are open education and open educational resources (OER). This is the fourth thematic issue bringing together open education related contents; previous issues are openly available: Open education (2020), Open education II (2021) and Open education III (2022). Like the previous issues, this issue is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions – to support their work and to share some new ideas. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning – all content has been originally published elsewhere on the web.

    The issue has been assembled by a team that includes members from different institutions: Kaisa Hartikainen (University of Eastern Finland), Ilmari Jauhiainen (AVOTT, The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies), Terhi Kaipainen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk), Anna Lindfors (CSC – IT Center for Science), Alexander Salava (University of Helsinki), Kati Syvälahti (Tampere University Library) and Marjo Vallittu (Open Science Centre, University of Jyväskylä). Juuso Ala-Kyyny (Helsinki University Library), editor for Think Open Digest, has coordinated the project.

  • Open education IV
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)

    The themes of the special issue of Think Open Digest are open education and open educational resources (OER). This is the fourth thematic issue bringing together open education related contents; previous issues are openly available: Open education (2020), Open education II (2021) and Open education III (2022). Like the previous issues, this issue is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions – to support their work and to share some new ideas. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning – all content has been originally published elsewhere on the web.

    The issue has been assembled by a team that includes members from different institutions: Päivi Helminen (Helsinki University Library), Maria Ilomäki (TLC, Tampere University), Ilmari Jauhiainen (The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science), Terhi Kaipainen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk), Leena Katto (TLC, Tampere University of Applied Sciences), Sari Leinonen (TLC, Tampere University), Anna Lindfors (CSC – IT Center for Science) ja Kati Syvälahti (Tampere University). Juuso Ala-Kyyny (Helsinki University Library), editor for Think Open Digest, has coordinated the project.

  • Open education III
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)

    The themes of the special issue of Think Open Digest are open education and open educational resources (OER). This is already the third thematic issue bringing together open education related contents; previous issues are openly available: Open education (2020) and Open education II (2021). Like the previous issues, this issue is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions – to support their work and to share some new ideas. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning – all content has been originally published elsewhere on the web.

    The issue has been assembled by a team that includes members from different institutions: Aino Helariutta (Laurea University of Applied Sciences), Ilmari Jauhiainen (The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science), Taru Kuhalampi (National Library of Finland), Anna Lindfors (CSC – IT Center for Science) and Kati Syvälahti (Tampere University). Juuso Ala-Kyyny (University of Helsinki), editor for Think Open Digest, has coordinated the project.

  • Article processing charges (APC)
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)

    Open access fees or article processing charges (APC) are part of a diverse set of options in open access publishing, a sector that aims to make open access to research publications the leading approach. This issue approaches open access fees from different perspectives, and themes vary from the definition of the terms to the presentation of the APC services and different ways to foster openness of science.

  • Avoin opetus ja oppiminen II
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)

    Avoimen opetuksen ja oppimisen toiseen teemanumeroon on koottu vuoden aikana julkaistuja opetukseen liittyviä kansallisia linjauksia, erilaisia opettajien työn tukemiseksi tarkoitettuja verkkosisältöjä sekä artikkeleita. Teemanumeroa ovat olleet toteuttamassa Juuso Ala-Kyyny (Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto), Aino Helariutta (Laurea-kirjasto), Ilmari Jauhiainen (Avoimen tieteen koordinaatio), Taru Kuhalampi (Kansalliskirjasto), Anna Lindfors (Avointen oppimateriaalien kirjasto) ja Kati Syvälahti (Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto).

  • Think Open Digest 1/2021 cover

    Know Your Data – Research Data Management (RDM)
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)


    Research data management (RDM) is a crucial part of any research. First and foremost, the aim of RDM is to make the research process as efficient as possible. Second, RDM will help you meet the expectations and requirements of your organisation and research funders. RDM skills are fundamental skills for researchers and they apply to everyone who handles data for research projects. By learning RDM, you get to KNOW YOUR DATA!

    In this issue, the University of Helsinki Data Support team introduces the key components of RDM and data management planning (DMP): what they are, why they are important, and where to look for more help with RDMP (research data management planning) issues.

  • Open Education
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)

    Open education has been one of the emerging themes in open science in recent years, and the theme has been widely discussed also in Finland within the framework of national Open Science coordination. Think Open Digest's special issue of Open Education is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions – to support their work and to share some new ideas. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning – all content has been originally published elsewhere on the web.

    The issue has been assembled by a team that includes members from different institutions: Päivi Helminen and Kati Syvälahti (University of Helsinki), Aino Helariutta and Minna Fred (Laurea University of Applied Sciences), Anna Lindfors (CSC – IT Center for Science) and Ilmari Jauhiainen (The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science). Juuso Ala-Kyyny (University of Helsinki), editor for Think Open Digest, has coordinated the project.

    Huomaathan, että voit vaihtaa kielen sivun oikeanpuoleisesta valikosta.

  • Open science annual review 2019
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)

    In many ways, 2019 was an active year in the field of open science. In Finland, the national Open Science Coordination continued its work towards national policies and recommendations. Internationally, the implementation of the ambitious Plan S, sparked by the major European science funders (cOAlition S), was postponed by one year.

    The Open Science Annual Review 2019 is aimed at researchers but it also serves as a good reading list for all people working in science. The annual review is a collection of texts, research articles, reports and policy papers published online during 2019. There are 14 main articles, and in the summaries of the main articles there are more to read.

    The editorial board of the Open Science Annual Review included Markku Roinila, Mika Holopainen, Kimmo Koskinen, Pauli Assinen and Juuso Ala-Kyyny. We thank Mikael Laakso for the consultation in both annual and semi-annual reviews.

    Huomaathan, että voit vaihtaa kielen sivun oikeanpuoleisesta valikosta.

  • Self-archiving
    Vol. 1 No. 4 (2019)

    The special issue of Self-archiving (green open access) includes articles on self-archiving practices and services available for University of Helsinki researchers. Articles have been published on the Think Open blog.

  • Think Open Digest 3/2019 kansi

    Open Access
    Vol. 1 No. 3 (2019)

    The special issue of Open Access includes articles on open publishing and services available for University of Helsinki researchers. Articles have been published on the Think Open blog.

  • Think Open Digest 2/2019 kansi

    Tutkimusdatan hallinta
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019)

    Tutkimusdatan hallinta -erikoisnumeroon on koottu Think Open -blogissa julkaistuja artikkeleita datanhallinnan käytännöistä ja Helsingin yliopiston tutkijan käytössä olevista työkaluista.

    Remember also our "Research Data Management" special issue (1/2019), which includes articles on RDM in English.

  • Think Open Digest 1/2019 cover

    Research Data Management
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

    The special issue of Research Data Management includes articles on data management practices and tools available for University of Helsinki researchers. Articles have been published on the Think Open blog.

    Suomenkieliset RDM-artikkelit on koottu "Tutkimusdatan hallinta" -numeroon (2/2019).