The project aims to increase the number of Finnish open access journals in the DOAJ database


  • Open science annual review 2019


TSV, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals, project, open access, OA journals


The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database is key tools for discovering and controlling the quality of peer-reviewed open access journals. The DOAJ is curated database of over 13 000 journals, and journals are removed and added actively to the database. A survey by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) shows that only 29 of the 160 Finnish OA journals that could meet the DOAJ criteria were found in the database. In 2019, TSV and DOAJ launched a pilot project to increase the amount of Finnish peer-reviewed OA journals in the DOAJ database. The pilot, that includes e.g. guidance and workshops, will end in May 2020. (Juuso Ala-Kyyny)

Read more about Finnish OA journals and DOAJ:






Open science in Finland