Support for self-archiving from the library



dsa, Avoin julkaiseminen / Open Access, Avoin tiede / Open Science, Tutkimuksen työkalut / Research Tools, Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit / Research Infrastructures, Tutkimuspalvelut / Research ServicesAvainsanatgreen OA, library services, open access, Open Access team, repositories, rt-juttusarja, self-archiving, open access, open science, research tools, research infrastructures, research services, green OA, library services, open access team, repositories, self-archiving


Helsinki University Library supports self-archiving and open access publishing with its services: information service, training sessions, reminders about self-archiving, TUHAT checking and self-archiving depositing service. This article presents self-archiving and the work and services of the library’s open access team. This is the fourth part of Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving.

