No. 1 (2024): Helsinki Romanian Studies Journal

					View No. 1 (2024): Helsinki Romanian Studies Journal


The Lectureship in Romanian Language and Culture at the University of Helsinki (the Faculty of Arts, the Department of Languages), in collaboration with the University of Helsinki Library, and the Romanian Language Institute in Bucharest, is honored to present the inaugural issue of HEROS Journal (Helsinki Romanian Studies Journal). This publication is dedicated to fostering Romanian Studies and aims to establish a dynamic platform for scholarly dialogue. It seeks to engage both experienced academics and emerging researchers, while continuing the editorial legacy of the Finnish Journal for Romanian Studies (2015–2018), previously published by the University of Turku.

As a young and ambitious academic journal, HEROS aspires to promote rigorous intellectual exchange across a broad spectrum of topics within Romanian Studies. Emphasizing interdisciplinarity and inclusivity, the journal welcomes research articles that go beyond traditional fields such as Romanian language, literature, and cultural studies, and embrace diverse disciplines and methodologies.

The current issue features a rich selection of articles addressing topics ranging from Romanian philosophy, history, and society, to language, culture, literature, and cinema. These contributions offer fresh, thought-provoking perspectives and foster dialogue between Romanian and other linguistic and cultural contexts.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the contributors for their valuable insights and original research, and to the peer reviewers for their meticulous evaluations and critical contributions to the quality of this issue. Their dedication not only ensures the journal's academic rigor but also plays a vital role in building and strengthening the HEROS community of researchers committed to advancing the field of Romanian Studies.

                                                                                                                                                      The Editors

Online ISSN 2984-5068 


Editorial Staff

Emilia IVANCU – Helsinki University, Finland

Editor, Section Editor
Tomasz KLIMKOWSKI – Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, Poland

Layout Editor, Proofreader
Oana TOPALĂ – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Belgium


Ioana Bican – Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Cristina Bogdan – University of Bucharest, Romania

Radu Bogdan – Tulane University, New Orleans, USA

Roxana Ciolăneanu – University of Lisbon, Portugal

Silvio Cruschina – Helsinki University, Finland

Daiana Cuibus – Babes-Bolyai University/Romanian Language Institute, Romania

Baudouin Decharneux – L'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Iulia Dondorici – Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Cécile Folschweiller - INALCO, Paris, France

Gabriela Gavril – Al. I. Cuza University of Iași, Romania

Jukka Havu – University of Tampere, Finland

Kazimierz Jurczak – Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Thede Kahl – Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Martin Maiden – University of Oxford, UK

Roberto Merlo – University of Turin, Italy

Matti Miestamo – Helsinki University, Finland

Oana Murăruș – University of Bucharest, Romania

Paul Nanu - University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Nicoleta Neșu – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Florin Oprescu - Universität Wien, Austria

Jana Palenikova – Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia

Cristian Preda – University of Bucharest, Romania

Teodora Șerban-Oprescu – Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Fernando Sánchez-Miret – The University of Salamanca, Spain

Gabriel Sandu – Helsinki University, Finland

Ingmar Söhrman – University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković – Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade

Alice Toma – L'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium




La tentation de comprendre. Les réflexions de Cioran sur la Russie (translated into French by TOMASZ KRUPA)….. 6

The Temptation to Understand. Cioran's Reflections on Russia



The Legacy of Decree 66/770 in Romania: Women’s Collective Memory of a Transgenerational Trauma….. 14    



Branding with Language: Romanian as a Foreign Language on Instagram….. 27    



The Eastern Romance Languages as Members of the Balkan Sprachbund ….. 42      



Relevanța analizei erorilor în achiziția articolului în RLS. Studiu de caz asupra vorbitorilor de armeană….. 51 

The Relevance of Analysing Item Acquisition Errors in RLS. A Case Study on Armenian Speakers                                                                                


Petru Aruștei, Pictorul-poet fulgerat de raze. Supraviețuitor într-o noapte cu îngeri ….. 62                                   

Petru Aruștei, the Painter-Poet Struck by Rays. A Survivor in a Night with Angels



New Historicism in Romanian Fiction….. 73    



MMXX by Cristi Puiu – The 10th Muse and the Dismantling of Attractions….. 81




Ioana CECOVNIUC holds a BA in English and Spanish, a Master's Degree in Literary Text Translation (Spanish-Romanian) and MULTIELE (Master's Degree in Spanish Language Learning and Teaching in International Multilingual Contexts: Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain/Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain/University of Groningen, The Netherlands), and a PhD in Philology from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain). Her main topics of scientific interest are: literature and socio-cultural topics in the Romanian, the Iberian and the Spanish-American spaces; Romanian-Spanish-English interlingual interferences; colloquial language peculiarities in literary and non-literary texts; history of the contexts of human culture and civilization. She is currently a lecturer in Romanian language, literature and culture (the Romanian Language Institute Bucharest Romania) at the University of Chile.


Alexandra COTOC is a lecturer PhD in the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai  University,  Romania.  Her  scientific  fields  of interest  are Internet  Linguistics,  Sociolinguistics,  Discourse  Analysis,  and  Digital  Humanities.  She  is  a member  of  the  Scientific  Committee  of  the  European  Summer  School  in  Digital  Humanities Culture & Technology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and an alumna of the European Summer School in Digital Humanities in Leipzig, Germany. Alexandra Cotoc teaches undergraduate courses on English grammar, courses  and  seminars  on  New  Media  Communication  and  Digital  Culture, Sociolinguistics, and Internet Linguistics.


Pavel FALALEEV is a PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Helsinki. He works as an hourly paid lecturer of Central South Slavonic at the Department of Modern Languages at the same university. Falaleev has also worked as a teacher of various Slavonic languages in the Finnish Adult Education Centers of Helsinki and Espoo. His research interests include the Slavonic languages, the Romance languages and the Balkan Sprachbund. His doctoral thesis addresses the language contact between Trentino-Venetan and Serbian in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Nicolae Adrian HENȚ is a Lecturer in Romanian language at Charles University in Prague, nearing the end of his second term. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters and completed a Master’s Degree in Romanian language and literature at "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu, Romania, where he is currently a doctoral candidate. He worked previously as a Romanian language lecturer at the University of Delhi and "Valeri Brusov" University in Yerevan. He is the author of the book "Nationalismul în publicistica lui Eminescu" (2013), and his current research field – Romanian as a foreign language—includes a series of articles published in specialized journals.


Kazimierz JURCZAK is a Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, a philologist, a historian, a diplomat and a translator. He is also the head of the Department of Romanian Philology. Kazimierz Jurczak’s academic journey includes earning his habilitation in the field of humanities, with his thesis focusing on 19th century Romanian conservative thought ("Dilemmas of Change: 19th – Century Romanian Writers and Conservative Ideology"). His research interests encompass the history of Romanian culture, the history of ideas and the cultural dynamics of the Balkan-Central European borderland. He has authored approximately fifty articles and scholarly papers published in Poland, Romania, France, Switzerland, and the UK.


Maria MUREȘAN is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Letters and currently teaches courses in Intercultural Transfer, English as Global Language, Media and Communication at The Faculty of History, Letters and Educational Sciences, and Business English, oral and written communication in Business, Commercial correspondence in the field of Business at The Faculty of Economics. Her contributions include work with international and domestic publications such as The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLie, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Incursiuni in Imaginar, Buletinul studenților și masteranzilor filologi. She is the author of 2 books, numerous articles and book chapters; she is the co-organizer of In Extenso Business English Conference for Students in Economics (Alba Iulia, 2011-2024) and of the CMKS international conferences – Career Management in Knowledge based Society, Alba Iulia, 2013-2024.


Giulia PANFILO is an MA student in Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies at the University of Helsinki and an enthusiastic young researcher affiliated with the Aleksanteri Institute. She has already published three research articles as part of her activity. Her research focuses on the intersection of regional and gender studies and examines gender roles and reproductive rights as well as women's sexual and political representation in conflict contexts, including revolutions and ethnic wars, across Russia, Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus. 


Krystian PRZYBYLSKI is a graduate in film studies at Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań (Poland) He additionally holds a Master's Degree in Theology and Cultural Studies. He is currently in the final stage of writing a doctoral dissertation on new Romanian cinema. His recent publications are related to this research area and include: “Close The Door” or Using the Cinematic Space to Evoke the Sacred on the Example of Cristi Puiu’s Sieranevada, (2020); The Image of the “Romanian Soul” Present in Literature and Film on the Example ofthe Ballad Miorița snd the New Wave in Romanian Cinema (2022); A Short History of a Certain Reconstruction – Recreating and Shaping One's Own Identity in Romanian Cinema, (2023); Extremes of the Romanian Soul – An Image Present in Selected Examples of Romanian Literature and Film (2023) and Be With Everyone? The Modern Family in The Films of Cristi Puiu, Piotr Domalewski and Cristian Mungiu – A Comparison in the Key of New Sincerity (work in progress).


Anamaria  RADU is a Junior Lecturer PhD in the Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Currently, she is a Lecturer of Romanian language (Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest) at the Institut für Romanistik, Humboldt University of Berlin. In addition to teaching and evaluating Romanian as a foreign language, her research interests include Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, and Digital Humanities.






Tomasz CYCHNERSKI – Adam  Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland 

Monica HUȚANU – University of Belgrade, Serbia

Ovidiu IVANCU – Vilnius University, Lithuania

Ioana JIEANU – University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Aurora MARTIN – Brusov State University, Armenia

Roberto MERLO – University of Turin, Italy

Silviu Constantin MIHĂILĂ – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Paul NANU – University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Nicoleta NEȘU – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Petar RADOSAVLJEVIĆ – University of Zagreb, Croatia

Annemarie SORESCU-MARINKOVIĆ – Institute of Balkan Studies, Belgrade

Justyna TEODOROWICZ – Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Alice TOMA – Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 

Harieta TOPOLICEANU – University of Turin, Italy

Oana URSACHE – Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania


Published: 2024-12-31

Full Issue