Reviewer Guidelines

Peer Review Process

HEROS journal uses a double-anonymous peer review model. This means that the identities of both the peer reviewers and the authors are kept hidden. Reviewers’ names will be revealed after the publication of the issue.
The peer review process consists of two stages. Each submitted article will be analysed by the editorial team and, if the article respects the journal requirements, it will be referred to two reviewers.
In the second stage, each article is refereed by two mutually independent reviewers reputed for their extensive knowledge of matters dealt with in the journal given issue. The requirements that should be met are specified in the review form template available here for download.
If two conflicting opinions are issued by reviewers, the article is declined. However, its author may apply to the Board of Editors for an extra-referee. His / her opinion is decisive. If one of the reviews is positive, and the other negative, the editors will ask for a third blind review on behalf of a third reviewer. His/her opinion will be decisive.
The reviewers are neither part of the journal’s editorial team, nor do they come from the universities or academic institutions to which the reviewed authors are affiliated.
Articles should be submitted to the assisting staff at least three months before the planned release of the issue.

Peer Reviewers' Guidelines