Laajojen kielimallien kyvyt lukion kemian opetuksessa
ChatGPT- ja Microsoft Bing Chat -tapaukset
ChatGPT, Bing Chat, LLM, kemian opetusAbstrakti
Artikkeli englanniksi.
This study evaluates the potential and challenges of large langue models (LLMs) for education in chemistry. Specifically, we analyze the performance of two state -of-the art of LLMs, ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing AI Chat, on a quiz dataset consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions in chemistry at the high school level. The results show that ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing AI Chat have limitations in answering questions at the application and high application levels. We also compare the scores of the LLMs models with Vietnamese students, indicating that their performance is still lower than the ability of Vietnamese students. The findings suggest that LLMs have great potential in assisting learning and teaching, but further development is needed to improve their ability to solve complex questions at the high application level.
Viittaaminen: Xuan-Quy, D., Ngoc-Bich, L., The-Duy, V., Bac-Bien, N., & Xuan-Dung, P. (2023). LLMs’ Capabilities at the High School Level in Chemistry: Cases of ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing Chat. ChemRxiv.
Copyright (c) 2023 Dao Dao Xuan-Quy, Le Ngoc-Bich, Vo The-Duy, Ngo Bac-Bien, Phan Xuan-Dung

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