General Issue: Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Research in Nordic and Baltic Countries
Call for Papers: General Issue 2025
LUMAT invites researchers, practitioners, and educators to submit papers to our continuous general issue on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Research in Nordic an Baltic Countries. This general issue publishes research and review articles and perspective papers on math, science and technology education conducted in Nordic and Baltic countries or in collaboration with Nordic or Baltic scholars.
The language of the manuscript can be English, Finnish or Swedish. Articles written in Finnish or Swedish must include an English title, abstract and keywords. Follow the general submission guidelines.
Note that all manuscripts that can be published under some ongoing specific special issue call will be be transferred under that editorial pipeline.
Deadlines and Publication Timetable
- No deadlines.
- Continuous ASAP publication model after peer review and acceptance.
Dr. Johannes Pernaa
Editor-in-Chief of LUMAT