Changing the Admission Process of Subject Teacher’s Pedagogical Studies: A Case Study at the University of Oulu


  • Eila Jeronen Faculty of Education, Oulun yliopisto •
  • Merja Karjalainen Faculty of Humanities, University of Oulu •
  • Heikki Kuoppala Faculty of Science, University of Oulu •
  • Minna Sääskilahti Faculty of Education, University of Oulu •
  • Helena Tirri Faculty of Science, University of Oulu •



This qualitative case study aims to obtain information about the conceptions of the students and university staff concerning the new student admission process of subject teacher education at the University of Oulu. The new process was developed based on constructivist teaching and learning theories. A total of 206 students and 51 university teachers from the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Natural Sciences participated in the research voluntarily. The data were collected by questionnaires in 2010–2012. It was analysed by the deductive and inductive content analysis method. Based on the conceptions of the respondents, the guidelines for student admission are quite adequate. The new admission criteria (opening speech, interaction skills, motivation, conception of schoool and learners, and academic skills) were evaluated to be suitable for the purpose. The wide range of skills required for working as a teacher was found to be well reflected in the criteria. Most students and interviewers thought that the students participated in and directed the discussions actively. Positive characteristics of students and supportive behaviour of the interviewers helped discussion along. The goal of the new student admission process was to remove the differences in student admission processes and criteria between different faculties at the University of Oulu. It seems that this was successful. Most respondents evaluated the new admission process as useful.




How to Cite

Jeronen, E., Karjalainen, M., Kuoppala, H., Sääskilahti, M., & Tirri, H. (2013). Changing the Admission Process of Subject Teacher’s Pedagogical Studies: A Case Study at the University of Oulu. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 1(5), 479–501.


