Attitudes towards and expectations on the role of artificial intelligence in the classroom among digitally skilled Finnish K-12 mathematics teachers
Artificial intelligence, AI education, K-12 mathematics education, Teachers attitudesAbstract
The growing impact and importance of artificial intelligence in society has led to an increasing interest for the potential of artificial intelligence as an educational tool in schools to aid both students and teachers. In this study we investigate digitally skilled K-12 mathematics teachers’ (N=85) attitudes towards and expectations on the role of artificial intelligence in the classroom. The study was done by conducting and analyzing the results of a web-based survey among Swedish and Finnish speaking mathematics teachers using a mixed methods strategy. The Will, Skill and Tool framework was used for the analysis. The survey was done before the introduction of ChatGPT-3. The results indicate that the teachers’ attitudes toward AI tools in school are characterized by interest, openness, and awareness. Teachers have a balanced view on the possibilities and risks of AI use in school. However, the teachers also stress that there is a risk that AI tools will shift the focus from learning key mathematical skills towards learning and interaction with the AI tools themselves. The research concluded that the K-12 mathematics teachers surveyed have broad experience with digital tools and will likely become early adopters of AI tools in the classroom.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ray Pörn, Mats Braskén, Mattias Wingren, Sören Andersson

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